Recruiting talented individuals can be challenging for non-profit organizations, particularly when competing with sectors offering higher salaries and more resources. To attract candidates who are passionate about their cause, non-profits can leverage the power of storytelling in their recruitment efforts.

The Impact of Storytelling in Non-Profit Recruitment

Non-profits often struggle to attract top talent due to limited resources and the competitive nature of the sector. Storytelling can help these organizations stand out by creating a compelling narrative that resonates with potential candidates. Instead of just listing job requirements and responsibilities, storytelling allows non-profits to communicate their mission and impact in a way that inspires and engages candidates.

Communicating Mission and Impact

Storytelling enables non-profits to paint a vivid picture of their mission and the difference they make in the world. By sharing stories that are authentic, emotionally compelling, and connected to their values, non-profits can attract candidates who share those values and are passionate about their cause. Stories that highlight the impact of their work can inspire candidates to join the organization and be part of something meaningful.

For instance, consider a non-profit providing education and resources to underprivileged communities. Instead of simply stating they are looking for a program manager, they could share a story about a specific individual whose life was transformed by their programs. This approach demonstrates the real-world impact of their work and attracts candidates passionate about making a difference.

The Role of Employer Value Proposition (EVP)

In addition to storytelling, non-profits should focus on developing a strong Employer Value Proposition (EVP). An EVP is a unique set of offerings, benefits, and values that an organization promises to its employees. It defines why an employee should choose to work for the organization over others and sets the organization apart as an employer of choice.

Recruitment Marketing

Defining and sharing your EVP is a cornerstone of non-profit recruitment marketing. Recruitment marketing is similar to marketing to your client or consumer, but you are highlighting why your organization is an employer of choice to your candidate pool. By being intentional with your recruitment marketing content and efforts, you will align your values and mission to the candidates that share your companies goals and ideals. Recruitment marketing is a great way to attract the talent that you want working for your non-profit organization.

Attracting Values-Aligned Candidates

Storytelling and a strong EVP in non-profit recruitment attract candidates aligned with the organization’s values. Candidates who are not just seeking a job, but are passionate about the organization’s cause, are more likely to be engaged and motivated employees. By sharing stories that showcase their impact and highlighting their EVP, non-profits can appeal to candidates who want to make a difference and be part of something larger than themselves.

Case Study

For example, Save the Redwoods used storytelling and their EVP in their recruitment efforts by sharing stories of their programs and highlighting their commitment to redwood forest conservation. These stories and their honorable mission resonated with candidates who were not only qualified for the job but were also passionate about the organization’s mission and values.

Best Practices for Storytelling and EVP in Non-Profit Recruitment

To effectively incorporate storytelling and EVP into their recruitment strategies, non-profits can follow these best practices:

  • Use testimonials from employees, volunteers, and beneficiaries to add credibility to their stories and EVP.
  • Highlight success stories that demonstrate the organization’s impact and showcase the results of their work.
  • Use multimedia formats, such as videos, podcasts, and social media posts, to tell stories and promote their EVP in a compelling and engaging way.


Storytelling and a strong EVP are powerful tools that non-profit organizations can use to attract top talent. By crafting compelling stories that communicate their mission and impact, and by highlighting their unique EVP, non-profits can stand out in a competitive recruitment landscape and attract candidates who are passionate about their cause. By leveraging the power of storytelling and a strong EVP, non-profits can build a strong employer brand and attract employees who are committed to making a difference.


Are you looking to attract top talent who are passionate about your non-profit’s mission? Contact Recruit PNW today! Our team specializes in recruitment for non-profits and can help you find candidates who align with your values and goals. Let us help you tell your story and build a team that will drive your organization forward. Contact us now to learn more about our services and how we can support your hiring needs.


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